Tips on having a happy relationship
I believe I have learnt a lot in my relationship, and more so during this covid19 + because recently I have been in a long distance . So, I have a lot to share and I hope you find this helpful. Also, excuse me if you find my language a bit harsh.
1. Motivate your partner to be themselves
This is a difficult world. Many times you lose sight of who you are and so would your partner. Honestly, if a person drifts away from their core values, I have seen it hurts a lot in the long term, it’s not a good feeling to not know who you are. So, I believe you can motivate your partner to be themselves and enjoy their life.
1. Motivate them to appreciate their body by wearing anything they love.
2. In this world we seek perfection and are always very hard on ourselves. Just encourage them that making mistakes is okay and is actually a learning process.
2. Don’t have any prejudice for your partner(Very Important)
Please I request you, don’t have any prejudice for your partner. There are a lot of really hurtful misconceptions in this world:
1. Girls are crazy, they try to control things and change their man.
2. Boys try to be dominating, they want power.
All these things, they just spread hate in this world. When you start believing in this, you are judging your partner on the basis of predefined conceptions. You would never be able to truly understand them as a person.
I believe this to be true: everyone is unique and from the bottom of their hearts, nobody really wants to bad.
3. Give each other their space
Being with one person all the time is honestly boring. We are social animals and we need company of others, there is absolutely no harm in that.
Please don’t call a lot when your partner is out with friends or something like that, let them have fun.
Having a partner doesn’t mean that they have to be in your sight all the time.
4. Please work on your own insecurities, admit your mistakes
You have to realize when you let your own insecurities overpower you and you end up hurting your partner.
Example: you are not fully confident with your looks and you see your partner having a normal chat with a smart person, let’s say it’s their colleague, please don’t be jealous and start doubting your partner, it only establishes a mistrust in your relationship, and your partner won’t be able to do things they like, hence violating the first point mentioned above.
5. Respect your partner as an equal human being.
Please no mind games or controlling behavior or making sure you have power in the relationship. Honestly, how long do you think you can continue that? In my opinion, if your relationship is built on manipulation, then it’s an extremely bad foundation and your house is definitely gonna collapse.
Also, divide all the household work equally, nobody is anyone’s servant.
6. Don’t try and change your partner, appreciate the difference, that’s what makes this world beautiful. Imagine a world full of similar robots? How colorful or fun would it be?
7. Don’t lose sight of yourself.
You should understand who you are as a person and stay true to your principles. It a very unhappy feeling when you lose sight of yourself.
8. It’s good to disagree when you don’t share opinions.
It’s disrespectful if you keep agreeing with your partner even when you have different opinions. It’s actually good to disagree, you end up learning from other person’s point of view.
It’s only natural that two people can’t agree on everything.
9. Please don’t be influenced by movies or dramas or porn.
Your partner is a specific kind of person with whom you fell in love.
If you watch a drama and expect your partner to be as romantic as the lead in that drama and when they are unable to behave that way, you get angry with them, I find it very foolish. Because none of that is real and those dramas when you think of them in the hindsight you find them very stupid.
Example: Recently, I was watching the above movie, the girl just lost her soon to be husband, is very emotional and next day is making out with his best friend on a romantic song? Are we supposed to be okay with that because song in the background is romantic? Is that really romantic?
Also, porn, those people are professional, their work is to find out what their audiences like and perform that for good amount of money, they have vast experience in what they do. Please don’t expect your partner to be able to do everything a pornstar does.
10. Don’t think too much about the future.
If you constantly think about the future like:
1. My partner is not able to tell me things right now, how will things be like in the future?
2. My partner needs space from me now, how much space will they need in the future?
My advice is please look at the present situation. Maybe, life is hard on your partner and they just want to be left alone to figure things out or they have a shy personality and don’t like to share much.
By worrying too much about the future you are gonna end up ruining your present as well.
11. Lots of cuddles
Show love, hug them tight while you still have the chance or your partner will go for studies in a different country and you won’t be able to see them because it COVID-19 and that country doesn’t have its borders open. Too specific of an example? 😆 Well that happened to me and it’s been 8 months that I haven’t been able to meet my partner.
I hope you find my understanding from my experience helpful. I wish you all the best, hope you enjoy your life and have different experiences. Also, I found this article to be amazing: